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A couple of years back, AR/VR technology was indeed surprising, but today it isn’t. Today AR & VR technology has become a very readily available tool. Specifically, AR(Augmented Reality) is contributing a lot to society and is becoming increasingly accessible, and its presence in the workplace can be invaluable for many reasons. AR is now easily available on mobile phones in the form of an app. AR simply takes the aspects from the current environment and alters them. Basically, it incorporates digital information in a video or user environment in real-time. Another technology, i.e., VR (Virtual Reality), immerses learners in a digital environment where they encounter real-life scenarios that test their knowledge without facing real-world risk. The incorporation of AR and VR into learning has created an environment where learners can have a hands-on learning experience.

Benefits of AR/VR technology in employee training:

  1. Safe and affordable training: Some job situations are inherently dangerous, and training for them can be equally dangerous too. Let’s say employees working in manufacturing units need to understand how the machines work on the site. Without proper knowledge of it, they cannot take over the work. It can also be useful to understand how to move dangerous radioactive or contaminated materials around using robot “hands”—with low accident risk. This kind of training can be safe and free of consequences. The exact scenario of the manufacturing area can be created with the simple equipment’s they use. Importantly, mistakes can only be felt in the virtual world and not in the real world. The best part of VR simulations is that it puts the learner in a 3D environment where they do not have to use a mouse or keyboard to navigate or interact. They can practice skills virtually, just like they would do in real life.
  2. Engagement: AR/VR being digital tools engages learners towards it as they are more fun and give game-like feels. The term Gamification has been used these days widely and has been used to train and onboard employees because its approach helps employees learn better and show an increased success rate. Another amazing benefit of this is it cuts down tiredness. The learner can even present the best of their company and can develop a highly engaging learning experience.
  3. Expertise and soft-skills development: We might have heard this very common quote, “Practice makes a man perfect”, and the same can be applied here. By using AR/VR technology, we are experiencing and dealing with real-life situations, the chances to retain more information increase compared to lectures, discussions, reading, etc. These are ideal for letting employees develop soft skills better.
  4. Cost-Effective: Training budgets are medium to less, so it’s important to maximize what resources are available for employee learning and development. Traditional training sessions typically end up through materials and equipment, and travel is mandatorily added to it. Immersive learning solutions can potentially reduce and even cut down some costs altogether. While they represent an affluent initial outlay, VR headsets are often used for numerous programs and might also be accessed for training purposes again and again when necessary. It is also much easier and affordable to take advantage of VR software simulating work environments than to participate in real-life simulations.
  5. Implementing Remotely: As part of their everyday activities, more organizations are beginning to accept remote work. COVID-19 significantly increased the move towards telecommuting. Employees teach their colleagues to complete joint tasks and projects despite being physically isolated. For training budgets, VR headsets have become considerably more reasonably priced. Employees can remotely use these devices in collaboration with others.
  6. Increases the effectiveness of Learning Materials: Employers should create solutions in which pointing to a particular text of a training manual with the phone camera leads to additional materials or services showing on the customers’ screen. Companies may use this approach to teach workers about such goods, facilities, or solutions. Research also demonstrates that VR teaching is more powerful than conventional techniques. According to a report, the VR/AR students had a recall rate of 80 percent even after one year of training. On the other hand, after one week, conventional learning has a recall rate of just 20 percent.

The impeccable benefits of reality tech can revolutionize the learning & development aspect of any organization. We at TWB Productions look forward to helping companies transform themselves and take a step into the future.