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Finolex faced the challenge of onboarding new employees efficiently while ensuring they understood the company culture, processes, and policies. Traditional onboarding methods often lacked engagement, leading to diminished retention of crucial information. Finolex aimed to transform this experience into an interactive and memorable journey.


“The Wise Blend” collaborated closely with Finolex’s HR team to develop a captivating gamified E-Learning program for employee onboarding. The primary goal was to create an immersive and enjoyable experience that introduced new hires to the company’s ethos, values, and operational procedures in an interactive gaming environment.

Key Elements

Customized Curriculum

Interactive Gaming Modules:

Gamified modules were designed to simulate real-life scenarios, allowing new employees to make decisions, solve challenges, and progress through levels, reinforcing learning through gameplay.

Interactive Elements

Role-Based Simulations:

Tailored simulations were created for different job roles, enabling employees to understand their specific responsibilities within the organization and the impact of their roles on Finolex’s overall objectives.

High-Quality Animation

Leaderboards and Rewards:

A competitive element was introduced with leaderboards, encouraging healthy competition among new hires. Rewards and recognition were provided for achievements, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Scenario-Based Learning

Real-time Progress Tracking:

The E-Learning platform enabled real-time tracking of employees’ progress, allowing HR to monitor engagement levels and intervene if any new hire required additional support.


Finolex’s collaboration with “The Wise Blend” resulted in significant achievements:

  • Engaged Onboarding:
    The gamified approach led to higher engagement levels, with new employees actively participating in their onboarding journey, leading to increased retention of information.
  • Enhanced Understanding:
    New hires gained a deeper understanding of Finolex’s values, work culture, and operational processes through interactive gameplay, ensuring a smoother integration into the organization.
  • Boosted Morale:
    The competitive aspect of the gamified modules boosted morale, encouraging teamwork and fostering a positive onboarding experience.
  • Improved Retention:
    The interactive and memorable nature of the gamified onboarding led to better information retention among new employees, ensuring they were well-equipped for their roles.


“The Wise Blend’s” gamified E-Learning solution transformed Finolex’s onboarding process into an engaging adventure, ensuring that new employees not only grasped essential information but also enjoyed the learning journey. This collaboration stands as a testament to how gamification can elevate onboarding, making it interactive, enjoyable, and highly effective.